1) validate the date difference in asp.net
2) difference (number of days, months, years) between two dates.
function validate(ArrivalDate, DepartureDate )
var ArrivalDtValue = "15/02/2011"; // ArrivalDate}
var DepartureDtValue = "16/02/2011"; // DepartureDate
var currentTime = new Date();
var month = currentTime.getMonth();
var day = currentTime.getDate();
var year = currentTime.getFullYear();
var currentDt = day + "/" + month + "/" + year;
var ArrDt = getDateObject(ArrivalDtValue, "/");
var DeparDt = getDateObject(DepartureDtValue, "/");
var CurDt = new Date();
//Total time for one day
var one_day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
//Here we need to split the inputed dates to convert them into standard format
//for furter execution
var x = ArrivalDtValue.split("/");
var y = DepartureDtValue.split("/");
//date format(Fullyear,month,date)
var ArrivalDate = new Date(x[2], (x[1] - 1), x[0]);
var DepartureDate = new Date(y[2], (y[1] - 1), y[0]);
var CurrentDate = new Date(year, month, day);
var month1 = x[1] - 1;
var month2 = y[1] - 1;
//Calculate difference between the two dates, and convert to days
var ArrivaldiffDays = Math.abs((CurrentDate.getTime() - ArrivalDate.getTime()) / (one_day));
var DeparturediffDays = Math.abs((CurrentDate.getTime() - DepartureDate.getTime()) / (one_day));
if (ArrDt > DeparDt) {
alert("Departure date should not be less than Arrival date");
return false;
else if (ArrivalDtValue == DepartureDtValue) {
alert("Arrival date and Departure date should not be same");
return false;
else if (ArrDt < CurrentDate)
alert("Arrival date should not be less than current date");
return false;
else if (DeparDt < CurrentDate)
alert("Departure date should not be less than current date");
return false;
return true;
function getDateObject(dateString, dateSeperator) {
//This function return a date object after accepting
//a date string ans dateseparator as arguments
var curValue = dateString;}
var sepChar = dateSeperator;
var curPos = 0;
var cDate, cMonth, cYear;
//extract day portion
curPos = dateString.indexOf(sepChar);
cDate = dateString.substring(0, curPos);
//extract month portion
endPos = dateString.indexOf(sepChar, curPos + 1);
cMonth = dateString.substring(curPos + 1, endPos);
//extract year portion
curPos = endPos;
endPos = curPos + 5;
cYear = curValue.substring(curPos + 1, endPos);
//Create Date Object
dtObject = new Date(cYear, cMonth - 1, cDate);
return dtObject;
For the date validation (dd/mm/yyyy format) you can refer below site