Biztalk Schema generator in Visual Studio — How to enable 'Well-Formed XML' (Not loaded)?
I have installed Visual Studio 2010 and Biztalk. I create a new Biztalk-project in Visual STudio 2010. I choose 'Add new item' and then 'New generated schema'. Here I can choose 'Document type'. I choose 'Well-Formed XML (Not loaded)' and choose an input file.
Now I get the message 'XFW to XSD schema generation module is not installed. Execute 'C:\Program files (X86)\Microsoft Biztalk Server 2010\SDK\Utilities\Schema Generator\InstallWFX.vbs to install the WFX to XSD schema generation module.
I try to execute that file and some text hastily appear on the console. I restart Visual Studio 2010, but it still doesn't work. Apparently the execution of the shell script didn't work. I try to restart the computer, but it still doesn't work.
a. Try starting a console command prompt (run as administrator) and execute the script. If things go wrong, you will actually see the error message then.
b. If the script still does not seem to work, there are two dll files at the 'C:\Program files (X86)\Microsoft Biztalk Server 2010\SDK\Utilities\Schema Generator\' directory:
Close visual studio, manually copy dll files to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010\Developer Tools\Schema Editor Extensions' folder and start visual studio again.