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Sunday, October 4, 2015

QlikView Interview Questions (QlikView FAQ'S) - Part 2

QlikView Interview Questions (QlikView FAQ'S) - Part 1

 What is the difference between ODBC, OLE DB & JDBC?
o    ODBC : will use to connect to RDBMS databases
o    OLEDB : will use to connect to RDBMS databases and physical files as well
o    JDBC :
77. What is the use of Crosstable prefix in QlikView Load Script?
o    Crosstable : used to convert columns data to rows data

78. What is Mapping Load & ApplyMap() ?
79. What is the difference between Map Using and Mapping Load?
o    Mapping table used to create mapping data whenever different types of input data expected
§  U.s, u.s.a, united states à U.S.A
o    Data cleansing performed by using Map using
80. Synthetic Keys in QlikView and how & when to avoid them?
o    Synthetic keys are generated whenever you are joining two tables which are having 2 or more common key columns then Synthetic table going to be created based on common key columns.
o    These keys are referenced in related tables.
o    Avoid Synthetic keys by using below ways:
§  Renaming field names
§  Dropping/commenting field names which are not required
§  Qualify and Unqualify options
§  Joins
§  Concatenation
81. Different flavors of Joins in QlikView?
o    Inner Join
o    Left Join
o    Right Join
o    Outer Join (or Join ) à Default join
82. Different flavors of KEEP in QlikView?
o    Inner Keep
o    Left Keep
o    Right Keep
83. What is the difference between Join & Keep?
o    Join : combines the results based on key column and generates single output
o    Keep : combines the results based on key column and generates individual tables
84. Difference between Join and Concatenate?
o    Join : will combines the data horizontally
o    Concatenate : will combines the data vertically
85. How do you use Having clause (SQL Equivalent) along with Groupby in QlikView?
86. What is Peek, Previous, Apply map, Interval Match
87. Explain IntervalMatch function in QlikView?
A special case is when you need to generate all combinations between a numeric field, e.g. the date of an event or a transaction and numeric intervals defined in another table. In SQL, you would solve this by joining the two tables and use a BETWEEN condition:

SQL SELECT Events.Date, Intervals.BeginDate, Intervals.EndDate FROM Events, Intervals
WHERE Events.Date BETWEEN Intervals.BeginDate AND Intervals.EndDate;

In QlikView you would normally use the IntervalMatch prefix to solve this problem. The general structure of the script would be to first load the events table and the intervals table as they are, and then generate a third table defining a bridge between the two.

Load TransactionID, Date, <OtherEventFields> From Events;
Load IntervalName, BeginDate, EndDate, <OtherIntervalFields> From Intervals;

IntervalMatch (Date)
Load distinct BeginDate, EndDate Resident Intervals;

88. Explain Concatenation, No Concatenation & Auto Concatenation?
o    Concatenation :  forcible concatenation
o    No Concatenation : to stop automatic concatenation will use NoConcatinate qualifier
o    Auto Concatenation : whenever tables are having same no. of columns with same name then automatic concatenation going to happen
89. Explain how to implement Incremental Load?
90. How can you implement SCD in QlikView? Explain in Detail?
91. Binary Load, Preceding Load, Partial Load
92. What is Circular Loop and how do you avoid it?
93. Explain Exists() function in QlikView and when do you use this function?
94. What is Generic Load in QlikView?
95. How many ways you can maintain to store the QVD’s
o    Using Store
o    Using Buffer
o    Export option from Layout window
96. What is use of BUFFER Keyword in Qlikview ?
o    Buffer is used to generate .qvd files from QV document with buffer default location.
97. Can you store specific fields from loaded table to QVD?
o    Yes
98. What is Fuzzy search
99. What is Link Table and when is this used?
100.       What is subfield() and if we use that on several fields what is the result ?What is Substring?

101.       How to develop master templates (Common header and footer)
102.       Explain Aggr Function?
103.       What is Alt() function and its usuage?
104.       What is the use of FirstSortValue in QlikView?
105.       What are Set Modifiers and Set Identifiers?
106.       What is P() & E() and where do you use them?
107.       What is Partial Reload? and why do you use “ONLY” Qualifier?
108.       What is the difference between Cyclic Group & Drilldown Group?
109.       Explain alternate states and where do you use them?
110.       How many dimensions are used in Guage Chart
111.       Have you Create Ad hoc reports in your project And how
112.       Any knowledge about Data Island
113.       Conditional enabling of controls
114.       String Functions
115.       How many dimensions can be used in Bar chart?
o    2
116.       Which QlikView object has only expression, no dimension?
o    ListBox
o    Guage chart
117.       What is Comparitive analysis?
118.       What is Mekko chart and what is the difference between bar and Mekko chart?
119.       What is the difference between Pivot, Straight and Table box?
120.       How to refresh dashboards periodically?
121.       How you optimize QlikView dashboards?
122.       How you test your Dashboard?
123.       What’s the difference between the following expressions:
vVariable, $(vVariable) and $(=vVariable) ? Which one to use when?
124.       What’s considered “Safe” vs. “Unsafe” use of AGGR within a chart?
125.       What’s the difference between DISTINCT and NODISTINCT AGGR?
126.       How is AGGR different from TOTAL?
127.       Imagine you are displaying KPI results, color-coded with Red, Yellow and Green. Can you count the number of Red results, vs. Yellow, vs. Green, and show the totals in a summarized table?
128.       If you are using Set Analysis in a nested aggregation with AGGR, where do you need to place the Set Analysis condition?
129.       What’s the best way to visualize variance from average, along with standard error? How does average differ from median?
130.       How do you create a chart with a dynamic callout on a specific Dimensional Value?
131.       What is FieldValue() ? What is the restriction on this function?
132.       Have you plotted the Trellis Bar Chart and Stacked Bar Charts?
133.       How many maximum Dimensions we can use in Different Charts?
134.       limits of different chart types:
135.       Describe Section Access architecture?
136.       What is the difference between Authentication & Authorization in QlikView? And how to implement them?
137.       What is the difference between File System Security vs. Section Access?
138.       Explain “Strict Exclusion” while implementing Section Access and what are the implications of not using this option?
139.       How do you implement Section Access on hierarchy based data?
140.       DMS authorization
141.       Section Access
142.       Types of authorization in QlikView?
143.       What are the different types of CALs available?

144.       What are the multiple protocols defined for client communication with QVS?
145.       Explain different communication encryptions for Windows Client & AJAX Client?
146.       What is the use of Anonymous User Account in QVS?
147.       What are the different types of CALs and explain them?
148.       What are the different editions of QlikView Server?
149.       Different types of deployment of QV Reports?
150.       What are the different formats supported while doing export?
151.       How to change the paths of physical data files, database connections after deployment?
o    SIT, UAT and Production
152.       How to perform unit testing? Do we have any framework support?
153.       How to handle exception handling, logging.
154.       How to get the data from web services or Sales force or SharePoint?
155.       Do we have any restrictions on data sources?
156.       How to calculate the RAM size which is required for the project?
157.       How many ways we can share the reports with business users?
158.       Do we need to take extra precautions while deploying to mobile device? How to support mobile device?
159.       Default document settings for viewing the reports properly on IE or pdf….?

1 comment:

James Zicrov said...

Thank you so much for providing the best set of practice questions and theory questions as well that can help cracking interviews easily.

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